Dear Parent/Guardian: 親愛的家長: Get your child moving this summer with the Uno virtual basketball camp 2021 called Winning HOOPS! 讓您的孩子今年有個充滿活力的暑假,參加學校舉辦的籃球訓練營吧! Being stuck in the house need not mean being limited to boring and mindless indoor activities. Instead of wasting endless hours on the gaming console or on TV, let coaches Mr. Milton Yu, Matthew Lloyd […]
Dear Parents/Guardians, Students, and Alumni: The most anticipated holiday of the year, Christmas, is just a few weeks away. We all know that we will be celebrating Christmas a little differently this year. Since most of us will just be staying safe in our homes and doing away with lavish parties, gift-giving, and trips […]
Today, November 10, 2020, we commemorate the 61st founding anniversary of our school with a simple floral offering to honor and give thanks to our founder, Don Domingo Yu Chu, whose vision and ideals have led to the establishment of our school. Let us also express our gratitude to our late principal, Dr. Jose Yu […]
UNO HIGH SCHOOL Teacher’s Day September 28, 2020 Dear Teachers, Last July, when I gave the call to you to help one another, work together, and do your best, I had all the faith that you would rise to the occasion and be the troupers that you are. Not only did you not disappoint, […]
IMPORTANT ADVISORY – September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 Dear Parents/ Guardians, Because of the emergency maintenance activities of PLDT and Smart Communications, Inc., from September 26 to September 30, 2020, the synchronous learning sessions (online classes) in Uno High School for September 29 to September 30, 2020, are suspended. Synchronous learning sessions will […]