尚 一 中 學

入 學 申 請 表

I. REQUIREMENTS 申请入学时须缴交文件:

 Please provide clear digital copies of the following (in PDF or JPEG format):
请提供以下文件的清晰複印本(PDF 或 JPEG 格式:

A. Scanned copy/copies of latest English/Chinese report card/s with Learner Reference Number (LRN) 有教育部發的學習證明書號碼的中英文成績單的掃描

  1. no failing marks in the report cards 成績單上沒有不及格的分數
  2. general average of at least 86% for incoming Grade Eleven 一 七年級至九年級和十一年級的總平均至少 86%
  3. conduct grade not lower than 85% or its letter equivalent 操行成績不低於 85%
  4. card/s duly signed by the school authority, allowing the transfer of the student 學校當局正式簽署的轉學證明

B. Copy of certificate of good moral character issued and signed by the principal/guidance counselor– The certificate must clearly state that the student has not been subjected to any disciplinary action. 由校長/學生輔導處發給並簽署的良好品德證明書(複印本)——此證明必須清楚地說明學生沒有受到任何紀律處分。

C. For Filipino citizens: a digital copy of the student’s birth certificate— original PSA copy with receipt 天生菲律宾公民: PSA 发给的出生字及其收据(複印本)

  • For non-Filipino citizens born in the Philippines: a digital copy of the immigration card (I-card– Please show both sides of the card, front and back.) and a digital copy of the PSA birth certificate with receipt attached
    在菲律宾出生的外籍公民:身分證複印本(正、反面)及 PSA 发给的出生字及其收据的複印本
  • For non-Filipino citizens born outside the Philippines: a digital copy of the passport, a digital copy of the birth certificate issued overseas, a digital copy of the immigration card (I-card – Please show
    both sides of the card, front and back.)不是在菲律宾出生的外籍公民: 护照複印本、外國发给的出生字複印本及外侨身分證複印本(正、反面)

NOTE  注意:   The school will eventually require the applicant to present the original copy of each document mentioned above for verification purposes. 學校最終將會要求申請人出示上述每份文件的原件以供核實。

II. Application Fee: Deposit the nonrefundable amount of Php800 into Uno High School’s account. 申請費:菲币八百元 (是不退還的) 。请存入尚一中学帐户。

Bank 銀行: BPI
Account Name 帳戶: Uno High School Incorporated
Account Number 帳號: 002553-0621-98
Kindly save a CLEAR picture of the deposit slip or screenshot of the proof of transfer.

III. Completed Application Form 填寫完整的申請表

IV.  Submit all the required documents, including the proof of payment of the application fee, via email to registrar@uhs.edu.ph. Once the documents have been checked and verified, you will receive an email confirmation and schedule for the child’s online assessment/interview. Parents will be interviewed after the child’s online assessment. 请把存款单及所需提供的文件發到學校註冊處的电子邮件信箱 registrar@uhs.edu.ph.确认 您已提供所需证件及付清申请费后,将进行在线评估并访问家长。

NOTE: Applicants with incomplete requirements will not be scheduled for assessment/interview.


1. Date of registration: Beginning July 11, 2022
註冊日期:2022 年 7 月 11 日開始
2. Slots are given on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. A one-time charge of P4,000 shall be included in the matriculation fee of new students.
新生入學費: 菲幣四千元(一次性)。
4. Please email us at registrar@uhs.edu.ph for inquiries.
有任何諮詢,請發送電子郵件至 registrar@uhs.edu.ph