尚 一 中 學
入 學 申 請 表
I. REQUIREMENTS 申请入学时须缴交文件:
Please provide clear digital copies of the following (in PDF or JPEG format):
请提供以下文件的清晰複印本(PDF 或 JPEG 格式:
A. Scanned copy/copies of latest English/Chinese report card/s with Learner Reference Number (LRN) 有教育部發的學習證明書號碼的中英文成績單的掃描
- no failing marks in the report cards 成績單上沒有不及格的分數
- general average of at least 86% for incoming Grade Eleven 一 七年級至九年級和十一年級的總平均至少 86%
- conduct grade not lower than 85% or its letter equivalent 操行成績不低於 85%
- card/s duly signed by the school authority, allowing the transfer of the student 學校當局正式簽署的轉學證明
B. Copy of certificate of good moral character issued and signed by the principal/guidance counselor– The certificate must clearly state that the student has not been subjected to any disciplinary action. 由校長/學生輔導處發給並簽署的良好品德證明書(複印本)——此證明必須清楚地說明學生沒有受到任何紀律處分。
C. For Filipino citizens: a digital copy of the student’s birth certificate— original PSA copy with receipt 天生菲律宾公民: PSA 发给的出生字及其收据(複印本)
- For non-Filipino citizens born in the Philippines: a digital copy of the immigration card (I-card– Please show both sides of the card, front and back.) and a digital copy of the PSA birth certificate with receipt attached
在菲律宾出生的外籍公民:身分證複印本(正、反面)及 PSA 发给的出生字及其收据的複印本 - For non-Filipino citizens born outside the Philippines: a digital copy of the passport, a digital copy of the birth certificate issued overseas, a digital copy of the immigration card (I-card – Please show
both sides of the card, front and back.)不是在菲律宾出生的外籍公民: 护照複印本、外國发给的出生字複印本及外侨身分證複印本(正、反面)